Headlines that make you click – from the Huffington Post

I’m really liking the short attention-getting headlines at the top of the Huffington Post. Whether or not you agree with their politics, the short quick headlines pull you in – and the long, clickable subheads tell you the details. Good 1-2 punch to attract lots of clicks.

For instance: when the stock market rallied a couple of days ago after a weeklong nose dive – The HP headline read: It’s Alive!

Right under that was the stock chart for the day. Good grabber.

On a headline about BofA chief and other bank execs refusing to talk to NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, HP ran a big this one-word headline:
Omerta ( the Mafia code of silence)

Good stuff.

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Launch of Headline Helper

Just issued press release for launch of Headline Helper – A Free guide that includes 24 proven headline templates. These headline structures have proven to boost response rates time and time again. The Guide also shows you when and how to use these templates – and why each headline structure is effective. Press release at: http://tinyurl.com/3gyv8u

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4 revealing headline templates that hook your prospects into finding out more

It’s been said that the job of a headline is get prospect  to read the next line. That is true, but even better is to get the prospect to read the next line with a feeling of anticipation. Here are some headlines that do exactly that.

1) Discover the _____ hidden in your_____

(Discovering something good that is hidden, especially when it is close by, is a powerful incentive to find out more)

(example) Discover the fortune hidden in your backyard

2) Do you have what it takes to____________

(When posed the right audience, this kind of challenge is intriguing and hooks them in to reading the text.)

(example) Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Day Trader In The Hottest Financial Market In The World?

3)(a person, expert, book, report, etc. ) reveals ________________

(The word reveals in the headline is a classic. It increases the engagement factor by implying  that a secret is about to be shared.)

(example) Free Report Reveals Little Known Secrets Overweight Women Use To Look 15 Pounds Slimmer Than They Really Are

4)Are you tired/ fed up with_______?

(taps into genuine frustration and desire for a change)

(example) Are you fed up with waking up tired every morning because you didn’t sleep well?


Looking for headlines and copy that can bring more leads and bring more sales to your business? Click this link

Want to learn how to write business-boosting headlines and copy?
Then click this link

© Altman Communications 2008


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Powerful Headline Structures that Can Double or Triple Your Response Rate

Headlines are the single element that can do the most to improve response in all your marketing. According to David Ogilvy, founder of ad giant Ogilvy & Mather Advertising, unless your headline really works, “you have wasted 90% of your (ad) money.” Headline opportunities abound, including the top of direct mail sales letters, the front of brochures, ads, web sales pages, landing pages, opt-in pages, emails, and more.

Context is important in creating the right headline. Website sales pages, opt-in pages, direct mail, ads, are all somewhat different. Tone must be aligned with the target audience. Here is a group of headline structures that with a little work have proven to be exceptionally effective in many different marketing contexts.
1)I call them the Hows
This is one of the most effective and versatile headline structures. The Hows can be arranged in many different ways. For example:

[How I] tells a first person story. The testimonial slant of the approach adds to its power.

How I was able to retire to a tropical island at aged 35 by creating one website

How a simple idea led to a promotion and a 50% salary increase
and how you can do the same

[How to]
How to turn the oil crisis into a personal windfall

Add a preceding address:
Stock market investors: How to make money in a bear market

Add a double benefit:
[How to ____ and _____ ]
How to increase traffic to your website and lift profits 155%

Add a triple benefit:
[How to ____ and____ while_____]
How to increase traffic to your website and lift profits 155% while working less

2) Something is missing approach:

The idea of missing out on something is a very powerful motivator. This naturally evokes curiosity – what am I missing out on? and even stronger emotions, such as anger: Why haven’t I been told such and such.

Here are two good examples. The first one uses the Do you know what is missing construction. It’s from a Nightingale Conant direct mailing talking about the controversial book and video The Secret.

You know of The Secret.
But do you know what it’s missing?

By the end of this letter, you will¦

The next “missing” headline capitalizes on a 60 Minutes feature story on oil.

Missing 60 Minutes Oil Sands Story gives you a chance to make 575% over the next 12 months

You mean 60 Minutes didn’t tell me the whole story. And the missing part of the story can make me money? I’m all ears.

3) Mistakes Approach:
No one wants to make a mistake that can cost them dearly. That’s why the thought of avoiding costly mistakes is often a more potent motivator than taking advantage of an opportunity. Some examples:

-This investment mistake could ruin your retirement

-The biggest mistake average golfers make on their pitch shots

-The 3 worst mistakes you can make on a job interview

4) Going against the big guys or the Common Enemy approach:
(you and I against the people/institutions that are trying to hide something from us.) In this age of increasing skepticism (often well-founded) of corporations and institutions, this can help get the reader on your side.

-The investment secret superrich hedge fund managers pray small investors never find out and use for themselves

-What pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know about B-complex vitamins

These are just a few very powerful, proven headline structures that can boost response to your marketing. Stay tuned for more powerful headline structures.


Looking for headlines and copy that can bring more leads and more sales to your business?
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Want to learn how to write business-boosting headlines and copy?
Then click this link

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