As companies try to figure out how to make Twitter into an effective marketing tool they might want to take a look at th the Kardashians –
they’ve certainly made it work for them.
“Kim now charges as much as $25,000 to simply mention and link to a brand or company in a tweet. It’s so effective a tool that businesses have begun including Twitter clauses in their contracts with the family, committing the girls to a set number of tweets about their product.
‘I see a Twitter clause in almost every contract,” says APA’s Brian Dow, who works with the family on the majority of their commercial interests (WME represents the Kardashians as their talent agents). “It’s like having a photo run in a magazine. It’s another impression for a brand and another medium.’” (Hollywood Reporter)
The question becomes – once people realize tweets are paid for – essentially ads – will that matter? Maybe. Maybe not.