4 revealing headline templates that hook your prospects into finding out more

It’s been said that the job of a headline is get prospect  to read the next line. That is true, but even better is to get the prospect to read the next line with a feeling of anticipation. Here are some headlines that do exactly that.

1) Discover the _____ hidden in your_____

(Discovering something good that is hidden, especially when it is close by, is a powerful incentive to find out more)

(example) Discover the fortune hidden in your backyard

2) Do you have what it takes to____________

(When posed the right audience, this kind of challenge is intriguing and hooks them in to reading the text.)

(example) Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Day Trader In The Hottest Financial Market In The World?

3)(a person, expert, book, report, etc. ) reveals ________________

(The word reveals in the headline is a classic. It increases the engagement factor by implying  that a secret is about to be shared.)

(example) Free Report Reveals Little Known Secrets Overweight Women Use To Look 15 Pounds Slimmer Than They Really Are

4)Are you tired/ fed up with_______?

(taps into genuine frustration and desire for a change)

(example) Are you fed up with waking up tired every morning because you didn’t sleep well?


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© Altman Communications 2008


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