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What to look for in a healthcare writer

Right now healthcare is the most vibrant, dynamic, controversial, maddening  and complex industry on the planet. So it's no wonder there is a huge need for quality writers who understand the industry and how to communicate with its audiences and constituencies.

If you are a healthcare marketer here are some important things to keep in mind when searching for a healthcare copywriter.

1) Experience

Look for a writer who either has experience in your healthcare niche or just a wide range of related experience. In particular look for experience in communicating to your audience. It doesn't have to be as specific as, let's say, finding a writer who has written about back pain to write about a back pain product. But do look for one who has written for a consumer health audience.

Healthcare and medical writers need to be savvy researchers. With so much health information on the web, a writer needs to know where and how to find the right web pages and necessary background material. Those who write materials directed at physicians need to know how to plow through clinical studies and exactly how to reference source materials on the documents they write.

The field is so vast and complex it makes sense to work with a writer who at least has a base knowledge of healthcare regulatory restrictions.

2)Response or Content or both?

Healthcare direct response writing and healthcare content writing are related but different. Some writers specialize in one or the other. And a few are able to do both.
Direct response needs to compel people to respond right then and there. Good examples are in nutritional supplement magalogs and online sales pages. These writers need to grab the attention of readers and hold it as they unfold the story and make the pitch.

Actually it sounds a lot like content writing. And they are indeed similar. But content (articles, reports, educational material) is not charged with directly getting a response - or at least not getting people to pay right away. The main task for a content writer is to convey infmoration in a way that appeals to and engages the target audience.

3)Knows how to talk to different healthcare constituencies

Healthcare audiences have different expectations and respond to material in different ways .  For example, in the consumer market injecting emotion into the material is very effective. For the hospital administrator, logic is the dominant factor. So make sure your writer understands the audience you are targeting.

3)Keeping up with trends

The healthcare field is changing at a breakneck pace. Biotech is constantly shifting as a result of new studies and findings. A whole industry of telemedicine has sprung up over the past few years. And of course anything that dealts with making healthcare more efficient and cost effective is newsworthy.

Whatever your product or service is, the backdrop is the ever shifting ground in the healthcare industry so it makes sense to deal with a writer who keeps up with healthcare trends.

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